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Mary The Sign

Mary was one person that was well pleasing to God, and so was

Joseph. Mary was willing to receive the Holy Spirit, and she didn't have the teaching that we have today from the New Testament. She didn't have the book of Acts. She didn't have all of that, but there were a few people in the Old Testament that received the Holy Spirit. She (Mary) was open to having the Holy Spirit come upon her and conceive Jesus. Hallelujah! That's Supernatural. There's power in the Holy Spirit. Only one person in all of history that this happened with, but God can do things for us when we wholly submit to him even today, whatever it may be. But she was willing to receive and walk the walk. She had Faith! Verse 38 she believed and received. She believed the word as the key to life. Believe what the word says, receive what the word says, walk in what the word says. And then in Luke 1:47 we see Mary's response, which is powerful! "My soul magnifies the Lord and my spirit has rejoiced in God my savior". Wow! What a revelation, Amen? This is what the whole world needs to know, amen! amen! And Mary, from what we know, was there on the day of Pentecost and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit. This was a fantastic woman.

I'm going to go a little different direction because there's much confusion in the world today about who Mary really was. Mary was, and wasn't some things. And there is among Christianity, Catholic, and some Lutheran, and some Anglican misconceptions about Mary. One of them is called the Immaculate Conception. You've all heard that term somewhere. Most people think that was the conception of Jesus, but it wasn't. In the Catholic Doctrine it is Mary being born sinless. Mary being born sinless. That's not true. In the Bible, there's only one person that was ever born sinless. His name is Jesus. Nobody else. She wasn't born sinless and in the verse we just read we see that "my spirit rejoices in God my savior". Mary needed a savior savior means saved from sin, Amen, Pentecostals? Savior means saved from sin, it doesn't mean saved from other things. Savior means saved from sin and Mary was a sinner. A super saint sinner, but a sinner nonetheless. And she had to come to Jesus the same way you and I do. And she was there through some of the most powerful things that happened.

Mary now is in the grave waiting for the Rapture, Hallelujah! and she will be in heaven. We know that because she died after Jesus resurrected.

Mary is often called the Queen of Heaven. Mary is NOT the Queen of Heaven. There is no Queen in God's heaven. There's nowhere in the Bible that says, or even suggests that, but there is the phrase "the Queen of Heaven" in the bible in Jeremiah 7:18

And this is a biggie. This puts Catholicism Doctrine (not every Catholic believes this or whatever) but this puts Catholic Doctrine at odds with the Bible.

Jeremiah 7:18

The Israelites had taken on the false religion of the Babylonians, and so God was very unhappy with them. This is a part of Jeremiah's prophecy that "the children gather wood, the fathers Kindle the fire, and the woman knead dough, to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven." In other words they were going through a ceremony worshiping the Queen of Heaven. "And they pour out drink offerings to other gods. That they may provoke me to anger. Do they provoke me to anger?" Says the Lord. "Do they not provoke themselves to the shame of their own faces?

Mary from the bible holding Jesus

The next verse says "Therefore says the Lord God: behold my anger and my Fury will be poured out on this place" That's the "Queen of Heaven". The "Queen of Heaven" Was istar, one of the goddesses of Bale worship was the fertility goddess of Bale worship and that's who they were calling the Queen of Heaven. That's who they were making this stuff for. That's who they were worshiping, Istar. Through the Ages it became what is, in English, the word Easter. So that is another story. Well, Easter's in the Bible, yeah. Paul said I'll be there by Easter the whole culture around him was wrapped around istar so it'd be like you saying well ramadan's on the 16th of December, so it'd be like saying "I'll be there around about the time of Ramadan." He didn't approve of it, he didn't say it was a holiday he didn't say anything like that. We got tons of people with a wrong concept of Mary today

Jeremiah 44:16-17

Let's start with verse 16, "as for the word that you have spoken to us, in the name of the Lord" Jeremiah is talking and prophesying again "we will not listen to you" in other words he was a preacher preaching righteousness. He was a preacher saying this is a false goddess, you people need to repent. Their answer; we will not listen to you you see anything like that going on in our culture today. Yeah! "but we will certainly do whatever has gone out of our own mouth to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven and pour out drink offerings to her as we have done". Wow. Then down in verse 19 it talks about burning incense to the Queen of Heaven again.

Incense in the Bible is tied to prayer. When Zachariah was Zacharias, that's John the Baptist's Dad. His job was to burn incense at the altar in the temple on the day of prayer, so we have another indication of incense being prayer and of course we know the angel showed up and Zacharias really had a hard time believing it. He couldn't believe it but he received a prophecy and he obeyed and waited and all that's another story again, but the main point here is they were praying to this goddess, see, and in Revelation, it says "the prayers go up and are mixed with incense" you probably all heard that in Revelation. Prayers of the son go up and are mixed with incense so the fact that they were burning incense to this false goddess is showing that they were praying to her. Istar, goddess of fertility. A lot to do with immoral sexuality of all kinds. The spirit behind and the demon spirits that follow her are the ones that push people into sexual immorality. A lot of the immorality of today is demon, and you see all kinds of nonsense going on. Men dressing as women and all that. I don't need to explain it all to you, it's not God and the Mary of the Catholic church, its not the Mary of the Bible because the Mary of the Bible is not the Queen of Heaven, its a Catholic Doctrine lifted out of paganism. Now none of this is to put down Mary, but it's to clarify who she actually was. Another Doctrine about Mary in the Catholic church is that she is a co-

Redemptorist. Jesus Is Our Redeemer and in their Doctrine she was a co- redempt with

Jesus as part of their Theory. You can look this all up if you want to in your phone. Part of the theory is that because she suffered because she had Jesus is that she partook in his suffering. That's just not true and the Bible was very, very clear about Redemption. Mediator Mary is a mediator in the Catholic Church. They make a big deal out of it. You have the blue Army and so on, but the Bible tells us in 1 Timothy 2:5 there is one mediator between God and man, the man Christ Jesus. There isn't any other. All the saints and Mary are in the grave waiting to be resurrected, Not to be prayed to. The fancy term for that back in the Bible is called necromancy. Necromancy, talking to the

dead, and there's other groups that try to talk to the dead you know there's all kinds of that stuff going on now. But that's necromancy. God hates it. Acts 2:4 "there is no salvation in any other name than the name Christ Jesus" no co- redeemer. No other participants.

Acts 4:12 "no salvation in any other name but the name of


Well one more thing... This is not a big deal, but the Catholic Church says that Mary never had sex again after that and that she didn't have any other children but Jesus.

okay, so Mark 63 says she had four boys and two girls besides Jesus. and if you add them all up that makes seven. That number means something in the Bible, Hallelujah. She didn't have a perfect family. Mary was a busy girl having seven children to raise, amen? And James, one of the sons, wrote the book of James in the Bible. But four boys, two girls, plus Jesus. So Jesus had brothers and sisters, and they're mentioned generally a couple times in the Bible, where her brother and sisters scratched their head over this, so they didn't know what to make of Him for sure. Mary was the mother of the man Christ Jesus, the holy spirit is the Father of Jesus the God. Jesus the son. Not just the Son of God, but God the Son the Holy Spirit was a father. There was never anywhere in the Bible that anything or anybody was called the mother of God

so what should we do as Protestants? Well put her in line with some of those people I read. Put her in line with some of the super Saints put her in line with St Paul, St

John, a Very Very Very Godly woman who had a very very special place in calling in the history of the world. So we can relate to her, we can honor her, as we would somebody that's gone on. We can thank God for her life, we can thank God for what she did, we can look to her as an example. An example of Faith. I didn't have time this morning but in Luke, right after what I read is what's called her magnificant, where she goes on and praises the Lord like a real Pentecostal. She really got into it so we can use her as an example as we would Paul or Peter or any of them, and in no way am I trying to put her down, there are some Protestants that put her down and that's that's not right. That's not right. Honor her memory. It's okay to honor her memory, Hallelujah,


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